Monday, September 15, 2014


The bear scene is a long and difficult thing to make with the about on shapes and placement of things. Using just simple shapes like circles and triangles by itself can create a lot of the scene, plus the patterns give the simple geometry texture. And properly layering everything like the trees, grass and bears gives is so much depth and three dimensional feel. The kuler tool is something I first thought to be hard to choose a couple of colors and make many different things being limited, yet to combat the limited colors using the appearance window to add patterns and color layers to blend over creating a new color but using the same colors. The colors used give the feel of either the wild becoming night when the bears come out which would be fear, or just a hot bairn day while the bears are staying in the shade under the trees, and I get that just from the use of the colors and with the shapes seeing more triangle like shapes being used gives a sense of danger or death with out even looking at the bears with their red eyes giving the feeling they are mad. And if I had used a blue based color scheme would give the sense that is a cold area or its just night only by changing the colors.

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