Monday, October 27, 2014

Zombie Type

Using just mainly the blob-brush to make the letters and add details like bones, brains, etc. And using the live paint bucket tool to easily color fill.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Using very basic techniques with shapes and everything coming from the effects on the text like adding a pattern to the text, having multiple fill colors moved around giving it a sort of 3D look.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lecture Notes

Typography Notes

An example of a typeface is: Helvetica, Arial, Comic Sans
An example of a font is: Ariel 9 pt, 10 pt, etc.
A serif font has extensions where an San Serif font does not.
Serif fonts are used for: readability for long, extended text
            An example font is: Times, Garamond
San serif fonts are used for: legibility for headlines, headings, captions
            An example font is:
What questions should you ask when making a font choice? There are 3
1) Who will be reading this?
2) What is the purpose of the document?
3) What feeling am I trying to convey?

How many points are in an inch? 72
Points measure what? Height
Picas measure what? Width

Identify the parts of this image:
A: ascender
B: defender
C: baseline
D: x-height

What is kerning? Distance between letters
What is tracking? Distance between sentences
What are rivers of white space? Tracking
What is the most legible alignment? Ragged Right

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Getting the brushes to work with me and do as I wanted when it came to the stroke size, it may be to big or distort and the blending never would make it seem natural.
But now it will be fun to make some of my own brushes.