Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lecture Notes

Typography Notes

An example of a typeface is: Helvetica, Arial, Comic Sans
An example of a font is: Ariel 9 pt, 10 pt, etc.
A serif font has extensions where an San Serif font does not.
Serif fonts are used for: readability for long, extended text
            An example font is: Times, Garamond
San serif fonts are used for: legibility for headlines, headings, captions
            An example font is:
What questions should you ask when making a font choice? There are 3
1) Who will be reading this?
2) What is the purpose of the document?
3) What feeling am I trying to convey?

How many points are in an inch? 72
Points measure what? Height
Picas measure what? Width

Identify the parts of this image:
A: ascender
B: defender
C: baseline
D: x-height

What is kerning? Distance between letters
What is tracking? Distance between sentences
What are rivers of white space? Tracking
What is the most legible alignment? Ragged Right

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